• Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

  • 732-389-1530

HER2 FISH2023-04-12T15:52:36+00:00

Laboratory of Choice

Children are not things to be molded but are people to be unfolded.

Science-first leaders whose compassion for healthcare providers and patients is incomparable.

Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt.


The Human Epidermal growth factor receptor 2, known as HER2, is frequently recognized as being overexpressed in gastroesophageal cancers. With the molecular abnormalities identified utilizing our HER2 FISH panel, we are able to provide clinicians with additional options for treatment for advanced gastric cancer.

Genesis Labs Cytology and FISH - Gastroenterology

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